BBC announces commission – ‘The Man Who Loves Kelp’
Posted on: May 30th, 2023

The BBC has announced their commission of our half hour documentary ‘The Man who Loves Kelp’
A story told through the eyes of 73-year-old lorry driver and free-diver, Eric Smith and his daughter Catrine Priestley, tells of a once magical underwater forest, teeming with life that used to flourish off the south coast, until the trawlers came. By 2019 the area was reduced to a barren desert, with 96% of Sussex’s kelp gone. Eric, who has been diving since he was 11, could no longer stand witness to the destruction. His lobbying of the government body, Sussex Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (IFCA) helped initiate a landmark plan to ban trawling in Sussex to let the seabed recover.
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