Dive to Shark City

Dive to Shark City

Living aboard a fifty five foot sailboat the film follows his three week adventure, diving with sharks, manta rays and millions of jellyfish. Underwater, Morrissey and his buddy diver wear full face helmets enabling them both to speak to each other. The result is a stunning visual diary documenting some of the world’s most exciting diving imaginable.

“So here I am in paradise! If you were to draw a line south from Japan for around about 3000 km and east to the Philippines for round about 1600 km, that’s where I am. In the middle of nowhere – Palau in the Pacific. This may look like quite friendly territory, but I’m gonna be diving with some of the fiercest creatures – sharks” says Morrissey.

Palau is made up of over 300 islands, once ancient coral reefs, heaved out of the ocean by volcanic activity, then gradually eroded away. This unique environment provides some of the best diving in the world. Spectacular drop-offs, and nutrient rich up-welling from the ocean depths brings in loads of food making Palau one of the best places in the world to see sharks – lots of them!

Dive to Shark City follows Morrissey on an extraordinary underwater journey in search of the ultimate shark encounter and much, much more. Palau is also famous for its 73 unique marine lakes. “I’ve been told this one is full of jelly fish that over thousands of years of isolation, have lost their ability to sting. I just hope they’re right !” says Morrissey nervously.

Palau hasn’t always been such an island paradise. 20 miles away is the island of Pelilu, one of Palau’s most southern islands. In 1944 over 9000 Japanese soldiers and 1400 US marines were killed here in one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific. Its Palau’s strategic position in the Pacific that’s made it such a prized military possession Over 60 ships and 90 Japanese planes were shot down during the battle for Palau.

And then its off to the island of Yap some 500 miles away and an extraordinary encounter with Manta Rays. “ Amazing, just unbelievably amazing” says Morrissey almost lost for words.


“Men Behaving Badly star as you’ve never seen him before” – Radio Times



  • Presenter:
    Neil Morrissey
  • Photography:
    Michael Pitts and Chris Openshaw
  • Editors:
    Andy Mort and Sabrina Burnard
  • Director:
    Sarah Cunliffe
  • Producers:
    Neil Nightingale and Mary Summerill
  • Executive Producer:
    Michael Gunton