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Turtle 3D Released in Russia

Posted on: April 29th, 2010

Turtle: The Incredible Journey, or Большое путешествие вглубь океанов 3D: Возвращение, has delighted audiences across Russia during it’s first 3D release this week.

Visit the official Russian website at http://www.oceans2.ru for more information on the Russian release and Russian narrator Yulia Rutberg.


(Translated from Russian)

“Magical World of the underwater kingdom beckons, captivates the eye. Coral reefs, underwater graveyard of ships, the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, legends and myths of the ocean – all this in a documentary masterpiece great journey into the Oceans 3D: Return. On such a powerful and at the same time very fragile underwater world tells a wonderful guide – sea turtle. Look, listen and enjoy! Great journey into the oceans 3D: Return – a real fairy tale in reality.” – www.see-films.ru

“The most beautiful film this week – a documentary Nick Stringer “Great journey into the oceans 3D» about Loggerhead turtle. The way this “heroine” is so colorful and full of adventure and seems more exciting than any game action. This picture – just the thing for a family hike in the cinema.”
Anna Cleo Andrushevich from www.kleo.ru

*8.6 out of 10! – www.rnd.kinoafisha.info